
Diary of a Working Queen Bee

Trying to keep the hive happy and buzzing



“The bad news is times flies, the good news is you are the pilot” – Michael Altshuler

Time moves so fast and the older you get, the faster it seems to be moving. I can’t believe that my two year anniversary at Google has arrived so quickly. Two years, that’s 730 days at Google Cloud focused on... Continue Reading →

Mother’s Day

She was born into this world on August 27,1947 weighing in at only 1 pound 6 ounces in Belfast, Northern Ireland. Back then it was miracle that she survived. Her mother was not so lucky. Just a few months after... Continue Reading →

You always had the power my dear, you just had to learn it for yourself.

Are you looking for a change in your career or currently unemployed? In a work rut or just not sure if you are on the right path? I clearly remember standing on my front lawn years ago having a discussion... Continue Reading →

Never be afraid to leave early

Happy New Year Working Queen Bee Readers! Right before the holidays I was on a conference call with a group of people from work and at the end of the call, a woman I had never met before said, “Andrea,... Continue Reading →

Can women really have it all?

I just wrapped up three weeks of work travel. Rarely do I have travel aligned so closely together and spend such a large stretch away from home. It just happened that way and I thought I would suck it up... Continue Reading →

The Highlight of my first Grace Hopper Conference

I just spent a few days in Houston at the Grace Hopper Conference. The Grace hopper event is for women in technology come together to share ideas, create a sense of community, and bond. It is also a big recruiting... Continue Reading →

Leadership Topic: How do I find the perfect mentor for me?

There are a lot of theories out there regarding mentors. I want to share with you my thoughts and best practices that worked for me.  There is an old school thought that everyone should have a mentor and I agree... Continue Reading →

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