
Diary of a Working Queen Bee

Trying to keep the hive happy and buzzing


September 2015

Women helping other women

I read the book, Lean In, by Sheryl Sandberg and I felt inspired. She awoke something in me that I can’t explain but I gravitated to the message. You can say what you want about the book but there is... Continue Reading →

Working from Home: Remove the Stress

I am blessed to work for a company that strongly believes in working from home when not traveling or meeting with customers. It is a great option but it is not always perfume and roses. Quite frankly, it can be... Continue Reading →

Time to Make the Donuts : Back to work

The worst week in a working mom’s life is the first week back at work after having a baby. I see status updates on social media and I can hear the angst, the emotional tug of war and trepidation in... Continue Reading →

Just keep Swimming

I read stories of successful women and I am in awe. Two years ago this month, Diana Nyad became the first person to swim from Cuba to Florida without a protective cage, willing her way to a Key West beach... Continue Reading →

Peceptions of the Working Mom thru the eyes of a boy

Everyone has perceptions of a working mom including my son. When he was younger he was working on a mother's day card in school and he proudly brought it home to me. It said things like I love my mom's cooking,... Continue Reading →

Leadership & Management Topic: People don’t leave companies they leave managers.

I say it all the time but who you work for is just as important as where you work. Working for a good boss makes the world of difference in how you approach the job, the success you can have... Continue Reading →

How does 100 cups of hot cocoa equal or have the same value as $1m deal?

Work life balance is a hot topic but I think prioritizing that balance is important. It is hard to do. I know it all too well. It was December a few years back and I found myself in the middle of... Continue Reading →

What is a working queen bee?

Everyone knows the queen bee does not do any work. She just bosses all the other bees around right?  I wish. From the time I was young, my daddy nicked named me the queen bee. As the oldest of 5 girls,... Continue Reading →

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